I'm JD Foote, Generation One in our family's financial journey - happily married, and father to four children.I am a psychiatrist in part-time private practice, but we became 'immigrants to wealth' through small and medium business investments in New Zealand and the United States.My work energy goes into finding new investments (see our family's site at, helping our operating partners to steward those businesses in which we have already invested, and advising leaders of other legacy families.My book 'Family Capital' is to be published later in 2024 and lays out a framework for approaching the task of building the six forms of Family Capital:

  • Cultural capital - the ways of looking at and behaving in the world that have made and will continue to make family members 'successful' in the broadest sense of the word and effective means of transmitting this culture down the generations

  • Human capital - the knowledge, and physical and psychological wellbeing, of the individual family members

  • Intrafamily capital - healthy and mutually beneficial relationships between all family members

  • Financial capital - property of all kinds (cash, real estate, publicly traded stocks, private investments, etc)

  • Social capital - the relationships of the family with the wider world, including employee relationships, business networks, and philanthropy

  • Structural capital - the systems that contribute to the maintenance and development of all other forms of Family Capital


My personal journey from financial lack to wealth, my professional training and experience, and my commitment to the trajectory of our legacy family mean that I'm in the perfect place to assist leaders of other legacy families.My work as a psychiatrist has taken me 'behind the scenes' in thousands of families over the years. I have met many clients in midlife who were wealthy but unhappy, demotivated, and disengaged. They lacked purpose and direction.As I entered middle age myself, financially secure and with a growing family, I sought my 'second act.' What would give meaning to my middle life? Eventually I stumbled on the obvious, considering my personality, training, and goals: preparing our family to thrive through the generations, and helping others to do likewise in their families.

In parallel with the stewardship of my own family's resources, my part-time psychiatric practice, and my writing on Family Capital, I am taking on several consulting engagements per year.I use the Family Capital framework and my broad expertise (I do not provide psychiatric or psychological treatment outside New Zealand) to help you establish your family's path and to make progress.I would love to meet you and your family, may be able to travel to meet, and can assist with any of the following:

  • Analysis of family resources

  • Strategic planning

  • Implementation

  • Conflict resolution

  • Troubleshooting

  • Family meetings

  • Retreats


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